Which programming language should I learn

Very often a beginner asks this question – which programming language should I learn? There are many common languages.

However, in 2023, we want to include some popular programming languages to our list. 

Python: we use Python in data science, machine learning, and web development. 

It has a large and active community and a wide range of libraries and frameworks.

JavaScript: It is a versatile language that we use for both front-end and back-end web development. 

If you are a programming beginner you may take an interest in the following posts.

Steps in program development

Learn Programming Techniques

The levels of programming languages

What is high level language?

What is language portability?

Programming languages translators

Learn structured programming

Machine language to Assembly language

It is one of the most popular languages in the world, and in addition, all major web browsers support JavaScript.

Go: It is a new, open-source language which is gaining popularity recently.

There are reasons for that. Its simplicity and performance makes it popular. 

If you are interested in building high-performance network servers and other systems applications then Go comes to your help.

Rust: It is a systems language that is gaining popularity for its reliability, performance, and safety. 

To build high-performance systems and network applications Rust is unparalleled. 

Swift: recently it is becoming increasingly popular for server-side programming as well.

However, Apple has developed this language for building iOS and macOS apps.

Finally, you have the last say. 

You need to learn a programming language that aligns with your goals and interests.

Image by DanaTentis from Pixabay

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2 responses to “Which programming language should I learn”

  1. […] Why do we need them in the first place? […]

  2. […] As a result, the server then responds by sending the requested web page, which is typically written in HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), back to the browser. […]

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