A Blog on AI, Flutter, PHP and more

  • How a Robot’s Skeleton Enables Multidirectional Movement

    The framework of a humanoid robot, its skeletal foundation, Skeleton, supports and facilitates versatile articulation. It serves as a robust structure to which the robot’s muscles and actuators find attachment. The robot’s joints, strategically placed within this skeleton, enable distinct movements between its body parts. The driving force behind these movements is the intricate interplay…

  • Will AI change the Relationship Dynamics?

    Artificial intelligence (AI), the harbinger of change in our interconnected world. As we traverse the digital landscape, AI weaves its intricate tapestry, altering the very fabric of our existence. In the heart of New York, a Python developer and technical writer ponders the profound shifts AI has brought to our relationships and connections. Let’s embark…

  • Keeping Humanoid Robots Warm: Innovative Heating Solutions

    When it comes to keeping humanoid robots at a comfortable body temperature, there’s more to it than just flipping a switch. These mechanical marvels employ various heating methods to ensure that specific body parts are as warm as a human’s, and it’s a fascinating journey into the world of technology. So, let’s delve into how…

  • Mesmerizing possibilities of AI

    In the ever-evolving landscape of artificial intelligence (AI), one can’t help but guess about the mesmerizing possibilities it holds. Today, we embark on a journey inspired by the video titled “The Future of AI” (https://youtu.be/DtogFJOA66o), which promises to shed light on the enigmatic horizons of AI’s future. Picture a world where machines not only mimic…

  • Python Data Types : How they work

    Let’s embark on a journey into the fascinating world of Python data types, demystifying the concepts and shedding light on their connection with objects. As a Python enthusiast who loves to teach, I’m thrilled to guide you through this beginner-friendly exploration. Python Data Types: The Building Blocks of Information Imagine Python as a versatile toolbox,…

  • Variables and data types in Python

    Ah, Python variables and data types—a splendid place to embark on your coding journey! 🐍 You see, Python is like a linguistic marvel in the world of programming. For that reason, just as in a conversation, where words convey meaning, in Python, variables hold the keys to data. So, let’s delve into this captivating realm…

  • Speech Recognition and audio in Python

    In Python, a speech recognition package is a audio software library or module. It allows developers to incorporate speech recognition capabilities into their applications. Speech recognition packages enable a program to convert spoken language into text. As a result, it makes it possible to interact with software using voice commands or to transcribe spoken audio.…

  • How do I install PyCharm in Ubuntu?

    To install PyCharm on Linux using the JetBrains Toolbox, first open the official JetBrains website.There are two ways to install PyCharm.You can directly download PyCharm and after extracting use the “cd” command to go to the “bin” folder.Here you can find the executable file “pycharm.sh”. When you execute it, PyCharm will run from your terminal.But…

  • What are the major AI issues?

    No doubt Artificial Intelligence or AI has affected our life in a great way. The effect is quite tangible and it becomes major AI issues. As monetary benefits lure more and more companies to adopt AI into their systems, firing automation that leads to layoffs. The large-scale adoption of AI no longer requires human intervention.…

  • Can we learn all Machine Learning algorithms in one place?

    Yes, we can learn all machine learning algorithms such as linear regression, decision trees, and neural networks at one go. Firstly we will prefer good books over online courses. There are reasons or algorithms behind this decision. Certainly it is not a linear decision. At the same time we can go through some research papers…

  • How to build ChatGPT?

    If you plan to build ChatGPT, go slow. Do not spoil the wonder with haste. Why am I saying this? Well, let us try to learn together. Certainly we can build an application like ChatGPT. Especially after learning artificial intelligence, as a project we can start building a language model like ChatGPT. However, we need…

  • How can we learn Artificial Intelligence?

    If we want to learn Artificial Intelligence or in short AI, there are a few steps that we need to follow. It’s like a one way ticket. Why do we call it a one way ticket? Because there is no alternative to Artificial Intelligence. Ultimately we have to learn it. The emergence of ChatGPT tells…

  • Which Programming Languages ​​Most In Demand In 2023?

    According to the industry trends, we can list the Programming Languages ​​Most In Demand In 2023. Let’s see the list at a glance. In 2023 we have already reached the middle of February. And the pattern shows the topper of the most in-demand programming languages is Python. Python is a high-level, interpreted language used in…

  • Boost your coding performance 100 times

    Is it possible that you can boost your coding performance 100 times? Yes, here are a few ways to enhance coding performance. Here we will talk about them one after another. So stay tuned. First, Write clean, readable, and well-documented code. This will make it easier to maintain and debug. Second, Use appropriate data structures…

  • What is Google Colab platform?

    Google Colab platform is cloud-based and for developing and running machine learning models. Let’s know how it works. Firstly, Google Colab provides access to GPUs and TPUs for running large-scale experiments. In addition it integrates with popular machine learning libraries and packages. With Colab, users can write and run code. And also save and share…

  • How AI manages decision making

    No doubt Artificial Intelligence or AI manages decision making quite wisely. But how does it manage decision making? Let’s try to understand in a simple and lucid way. Firstly, Decision making refers to the process of choosing between two or more alternatives. We also manage it. Right? Based on certain criteria we decide to do…

  • How AI uses speech recognition

    Artificial Intelligence or AI uses Speech recognition to allow a machine to recognize, transcribe, and process spoken language. We also know this technology as speech-to-text or voice recognition. We use this technology in a variety of applications, such as virtual assistants, dictation software, and call center automation. How AI uses Speech recognition and systems work?…

  • How AI solves problems

    How does AI solve problems? Before answering this question, let’s try to answer this question first. Then we will try this one. How do we solve problems? Simple answer. Using our experiences. Of course we need some intelligence to solve problems. But before that, we need some experiences. Why? Because, we compare the current problem…

  • Explain artificial intelligence in simple terms

    Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines. We have designed it to think and act like humans. These machines use algorithms, data, and processing power to recognize patterns, make decisions, and complete tasks. As a result, it acts in a way that resembles human behavior. However, The ultimate goal of…

  • What does GPT-3 mean in AI?

    The term GPT-3 stands for the third-generation Generative Pre-trained Transformer. It is a neural network machine learning model. Furthermore we train model using internet data to generate any type of text. Developed by OpenAI, it requires a small amount of input text to generate large volumes of relevant and sophisticated machine-generated text. Actually, GPT stands…

  • What is an example of using quantum computing?

    Using Quantum computing is a type of computing that uses quantum bits (qubits) instead of classical bits. We’ll learn this concept. Qubits can exist in multiple states at once. As a result, it allows quantum computers to perform many calculations simultaneously. This leads to a significant speedup for certain types of problems compared to classical…

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