Tag: Python for beginners

  • if else in python

    The if else in Python is a part of flow control. In this section we will try to understand how the if-else block works in Python. If you are new to Python, you may visit the other beginner friendly articles in the Python Primer category. Flow control plays an important role not only in Python…

  • What are operators in Python

    Why do we use operators in Python? For one reason of course. To perform various kinds of operations on variables. Arithmetic operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication or division are nothing new to us. Right?  As a result, we know how to use those operators. However, a programming language needs a lot more than that.  If…

  • Why we learn Python?

    A high level language like python is like human language. It is more or less machine or computer independent.  Python fits into this puzzle because it satisfies every condition of a high level language.  Because of the Python interpreter, it is machine independent.  As we go further down in the language tree, we will find…

  • Syntax in Python

    In this section, we will learn syntax in Python that helps us to try some code. We will learn the same things in detail later. All we need to do now is, just try to write some code in Python and see how it works. At the same time, we will learn about the general…

  • How to set up your environment for Python?

    You are going to learn Python 3. Python 2 has been there for a long time and has a huge library and module support but Python 3 is the future language. You can also easily install Python 3. Consult the download section of the official web site. In any modern Linux Distribution open your terminal…