Tag: programming language

  • Can you mix two programming languages

    The answer is yes. We can learn two programming languages at the same time. When we learn web development, what do we do? We learn HTML, CSS, PHP, MySQL or even JavaScript at the one go. Right?  With reference to the question, we need to understand the context.  For example, consider programming languages like C…

  • Which programming language should I learn

    Very often a beginner asks this question – which programming language should I learn? There are many common languages. However, in 2023, we want to include some popular programming languages to our list.  Python: we use Python in data science, machine learning, and web development.  It has a large and active community and a wide…

  • Dart Math library in Flutter

    Dart Math library is extremely powerful and we can do any kind mathematical operations with the help of this library. In Flutter, it plays equally important role.