Tag: Pandas in Python

  • Pandas dataframe operations for Machine Learning

    As we said before Pandas is one of the most useful machine learning libraries. However, we need to know Pandas dataframe operations. Especially those operations that we need everyday to train and test data for machine learning. In our previous sections we have seen how we can import different libraries like Pandas, scikit-learn, Matplotlib, and NumPy. Each of them…

  • Machine Learning on the Iris dataset

    Machine Learning on the Iris dataset is quite easier than other datasets that are available on the Internet. Let’s learn with examples. We use the Iris dataset as a supervised learning problem.  Because in this case, the prediction of the species of an iris using the measurements is easy. We have seen a few examples…

  • An Introduction to Pandas Package in Python

    Why do we need the Pandas package in Python? That’s the first question we need to answer. There are several reasons though. However, the main reason is, of course, Pandas can deal with data structures better than many other python packages. As a result, if we want to read, change, modify or manipulate data structures, Pandas…

  • Pandas in Python, and Data Science

    When the data structure is relational, the pandas package in python helps us to dig deep into data science. Certainly, you will ask, how it happens? Assuming that you’re not a seasoned python programmer, or expert in data science, let’s try to understand the above statement. Firstly, the pandas package provides fast, flexible and expressive…