Tag: Machine Learning Algorithm

  • Machine Learning Python Library

    Which Python library is used for machine learning? Which Python library is used for AI? The answer will point to NumPy and many others. Here very briefly we will take a look at a few libraries that we use quite often in machine learning.  How can we use pandas and matplotlib packages in python and…

  • Is Matplotlib library used for Machine Learning?

    The answer is yes. We use the Matplotlib library or package for machine learning. Why? We will discuss it in this section. And at the same time, we will also discuss why we need a library like Matplotlib in machine learning.  The first and foremost reason is with the help of Matplotlib, we create static,…

  • How Machine Learning is related to AI?

    We have discussed various types of machine learning methods. However, we need to know How Machine Learning is related to AI? Certainly a section considers machine learning as a subfield of artificial intelligence.  But it could be misleading.  Why? We use the knowledge of machine learning in the study of AI. There is no doubt…

  • Machine Learning steps

    What are the basic machine learning steps? If you search in Google, you may find different answers. It might overwhelm a beginner. Firstly, when we utter the word ‘beginner’ we don’t assume that you know nothing about programming and mathematics. Why do we say that? Certainly we will discuss in the coming section. Secondly, it…

  • Training set in machine learning

    In our previous section we have seen how a machine can learn from users. We call these examples training set in machine learning. We indicate each training example as a training instance.  As we have seen earlier, as users mark emails as spams, and move them to spam folders, the system uses them as examples.…

  • Machine learning with examples

    Let’s try to understand machine learning with examples. However, we have already learned that for machine learning what we should do. Right? In our previous section we discussed how through machine learning we train machines to perform various actions. Then how do we define machine learning?  That’s the question a beginner will always ask. In…

  • Linear Regression and Machine Learning Algorithm

    Linear Regression refers to many points. It’s one of the core machine learning algorithms. Also, it’s the easiest of all. As a result, it makes predictions for continuous and real numerical values, such as sales. At the same time, it is a core statistical and data science concept. Why? Because in statistics, or in data science…

  • Google Colab, Python, Data Science and Machine Learning

    What is Google Colab? That’s our first question. The second question is, is it free to use? We’ll answer these questions in this section. First thing first. Google Colab is an interactive environment and it runs in the Cloud where you can write Python code and execute, seeing the result instantly. Basically it’s to run Jupyter…

  • Data and Decision Science with Machine Learning Algorithms

    Data science always relates to decision science. However, machine learning algorithms bridge the gap. How does one relate to the other? In this section we’ll try to understand how it happens. For example, in data science decision making depends on effective calculation.  As a result, without learning machine learning algorithms we cannot think of building correct…

  • Machine Learning Algorithms, and Data Science

    Why we need Machine Learning algorithms in Data Science? Let us understand from the standpoint of a beginner in data science. Firstly, One of the main branches of computer science is algorithms. As a result, whenever we try to find a solution in Python, we need an algorithm. Right?  It might be one of the…