Tag: Linear Regression

  • Coefficient and intercept in linear regression

    Coefficient and intercept in linear regression play an important role in machine learning. For the beginners, this concept is essential. Why? Let’s try to understand the topic in this section. Firstly, let’s imagine an equation like below. y = mx + b In the above equation, y is the dependent variable, and x is the…

  • Training a model in Machine Learning

    Training a model in Machine Learning means a lot of things. To make it simple, we can say that a model learns from previous data first. For example, by examining the model, the machine learning algorithms try to read and learn from the pattern of the past data. As a result, it minimizes the error…

  • How do you predict a single value in linear regression?

    How to predict a single value in linear regression using a machine learning model? Let’s try to understand with a simple example. In our previous section we have discussed how we can use the linear regression method of the scikit-learn library to make it happen. However, to do this operation we also need another great…

  • Machine Learning terminologies

    What are the most common machine learning terminologies? Well, if you have read previous sections, you know them already. But we are not going to talk about the terms like supervised learning, unsupervised learning, clustering, regression etc. Google’s Machine Learning Glossary is another good place to start with if you are keen to learn every…

  • Linear regression and Machine Learning relationship

    Certainly there is a linear regression and machine learning relationship that we will discuss in this section. We’ll take help from Iris Data. In the previous section we have seen that linear regression is an algorithm based on supervised learning.  The regression task that it performs is nothing but modeling a target prediction based on…

  • Linear Regression in Machine Learning

    Linear Regression in machine learning is one of the algorithms that help us to establish a relationship between two variables. We have seen before that it belongs to the supervised learning types. Moreover, it helps us to predict the best outcome based on the datasets that we provide to the machine. Now in this first…

  • Regression models in Machine Learning

    Regression models in machine learning can help us determine the relationship between variables. In this section we will understand this topic. Certainly there are different types of regression models in machine learning, but here we will concentrate on linear regression.  As we just said, we try to find the relationship between two variables.  In our…

  • Linear Regression, NumPy, and Matplotlib

    We’re going to check how Linear Regression, NumPy and Matplotlib relate to each other. To do that, we need to understand them first. By the way, we’ve seen how they work together in our previous section predicting a common pattern. However, we have not discussed the methods we have used to understand one of the core…

  • Linear Regression and Machine Learning Algorithm

    Linear Regression refers to many points. It’s one of the core machine learning algorithms. Also, it’s the easiest of all. As a result, it makes predictions for continuous and real numerical values, such as sales. At the same time, it is a core statistical and data science concept. Why? Because in statistics, or in data science…