Tag: google colab

  • Speech Recognition and audio in Python

    In Python, a speech recognition package is a audio software library or module. It allows developers to incorporate speech recognition capabilities into their applications. Speech recognition packages enable a program to convert spoken language into text. As a result, it makes it possible to interact with software using voice commands or to transcribe spoken audio.…

  • What is Google Colab platform?

    Google Colab platform is cloud-based and for developing and running machine learning models. Let’s know how it works. Firstly, Google Colab provides access to GPUs and TPUs for running large-scale experiments. In addition it integrates with popular machine learning libraries and packages. With Colab, users can write and run code. And also save and share…

  • jupyter notebook or Google Colab for machine learning

    This question comes to every machine learning beginner. What should I use? The jupyter notebook or Google Colab for machine learning? We don’t want to be opinionated in this regard. Quite certainly we should not force you to accept one and discard the other. Instead what we are going to place are advantages and disadvantages.…

  • Machine Learning Python Library

    Which Python library is used for machine learning? Which Python library is used for AI? The answer will point to NumPy and many others. Here very briefly we will take a look at a few libraries that we use quite often in machine learning.  How can we use pandas and matplotlib packages in python and…

  • Is Matplotlib library used for Machine Learning?

    The answer is yes. We use the Matplotlib library or package for machine learning. Why? We will discuss it in this section. And at the same time, we will also discuss why we need a library like Matplotlib in machine learning.  The first and foremost reason is with the help of Matplotlib, we create static,…

  • Google Colab, Python, Data Science and Machine Learning

    What is Google Colab? That’s our first question. The second question is, is it free to use? We’ll answer these questions in this section. First thing first. Google Colab is an interactive environment and it runs in the Cloud where you can write Python code and execute, seeing the result instantly. Basically it’s to run Jupyter…