Tag: flutter navigation

  • Navigation in Flutter, E-Commerce App 3

    Although we’ve discussed navigation in Flutter before, it’s still relevant in our e-commerce app. Firstly, we’ve seen how we can manage themes across the app with the latest Material You design.  Secondly, we have managed to display products on our home page with the help of a provider package. Therefore we have gone over the…

  • Navigation Flutter: Happiness App – Step 3

    What is Navigation in Flutter? It is a routing mechanism. As a result, in a Flutter App, we go from one page to another page. However, to accomplish this task, we need the Navigator Widget. in addition, we can also go from one page to another page by using the Router Widget. Then, you may…

  • What is Flutter Navigation and how does Flutter Navigator work?

    Although we’ve not used Navigator pop method in the second page, yet we can come back to the first page using the back button in the App Bar.