Tag: Firebase Flutter

  • Flutter Web : Flutter Firebase Firestore Provider Web App

    Is Flutter ideal for building a web app? We usually treat flutter as a software development kit to build mobile apps. Right?  And no doubt, flutter is one of the most popular tools for building mobile apps. As a result, the question remains.  Whether in the same vein can we use flutter for building a…

  • Firebase, Firestore rules for Flutter Chat App

    As a backend service Firebase acts fine for Flutter. But we need to follow a certain rules. It also applies to the Firestore collection that acts as the database to our Flutter Chat app. In our previous section we have seen how good they are. For example, we have already built a Flutter Chat app.…

  • Flutter and Firebase: How to Initialise App and Avoid Errors

    In the previous section we have learned that Flutter and Firebase can work together. In fact, Flutter works as the frontend. And Firebase acts as backend. As a result, together they work as a full stack app. However, before using the Firebase, we need to know a few basic rules. For a small Flutter app,…

  • Flutter Firebase: Let’s build a Chat App – Step One

    With Flutter Firebase we can build a Chat App. In this section, we will learn the rules and see how a user can register and login by email and password. For example, to register and login process we use the Firebase authentication. After that, we will use the Firestore database to save our Chat messages…