Is WordPress hard to learn? How to Become a WordPress Developer

Is WordPress hard to learn? No. However, the basics of WordPress is so simple that people often stop there and don’t learn the coding part. As a result that doesn’t help you to become a WordPress developer.

Therefore, it depends on your target. What do you want to do with WordPress? Do you just need a simple content management system to write your blog and publish it?

For example, if you are a writer or a photographer who wants to just publish contents. Then, you fall short of becoming a WordPress developer.

Because your target is different here. Consequently, you neither want to become a WordPress developer, nor you need to deep dive into the WordPress coding part.

Is WordPress hard to learn?

Let us come to the first question. I assume you’re a beginner and don’t have any knowledge of any programming language.

In that case, let us learn basic PHP first. Of course, if you have a good grasp of PHP, it’s always better. But a very basic introduction to PHP will help you to understand how to code in WordPress.

WordPress have written this fabulous Content Management System or CMS with the help of PHP, MySQL and MariaDB.

A little bit SQL knowledge doesn’t hurt. But at the very beginning you don’t need it. All you need is a little bit PHP knowledge.

How to Become a WordPress Developer

Now coming to the second question, we need to patient. At a first glance, WordPress seems to be super easy. But, as you dive deep, you’ll find that you need to learn a lot of things to become a good WordPress developer.

The list includes PHP, MySQL or MariaDB, HTML, JavaScript and CSS. In other words, a basic knowledge of all these languages will help you to understand WordPress better.

Above all, as a WordPress developer, you need to build your WordPress website from scratch. Mostly you need PHP. Other languages, I’ve just mentioned, don’t demand your attention at the very beginning. But, as you progress, you’ll learn the basics of them.

And, yes. They are also easy to learn.

Remember a line that I repeat everyday – if one man can do, another man can also do.

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7 responses to “Is WordPress hard to learn? How to Become a WordPress Developer”

  1. […] Is WordPress hard to learn? How to Become a WordPress Developer […]

  2. […] you code in WordPress? Yes, of course. However, answering the second question – how do I learn WordPress coding – is […]

  3. […] Therefore, we should have a definite purpose to learn WordPress. […]

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  5. […] Therefore, we should have a definite purpose to learn WordPress. […]

  6. […] we are going to do this? Secondly, when we understand why we need custom post types, it would be easy for us to be creative. Hope, that makes sense. So, let us start with the first question. But before that let’s know […]

  7. […] you code in WordPress? Yes, of course. However, answering the second question – how do I learn WordPress coding – is […]

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