Is WordPress easy to use for a beginner?

WordPress is really easy for a beginner. However, it depends on some factors. We’ll discuss those factors in a minute.

Let us start with the main factor.

Why will you learn WordPress? Similarly we can ask what is the purpose?

For example, without any purpose nobody needs to do anything. I’ve created this website for a single purpose. To share my learning experience.

Therefore, we should have a definite purpose to learn WordPress.

As a result, we might plan before we start learning.

Many web hosting company now offers special WordPress hosting. Subsequently, we can even start using WordPress just like any Word Processor.

One click installation. And then start publishing in the web.

How difficult is WordPress?

Although we’ve just said, it’s easy, yet that does not mean it doesn’t require any effort.

What does that mean?

It means a lot. Because it depends on our purpose. If we want to be a WordPress developer, it’ll take time.

To clarify, neither it is easy then, nor we can learn it within seven days.

If we want to start a blog quickly, WordPress becomes natural choice. The purpose is different then.

However, if we don’t have any idea about search engine optimization, or SEO, our effort will not bear fruits.

That means, if we have a minimalist purpose of publishing in the web, in that case too, we want to learn something extra like SEO.

Is WordPress better than coding?

Whether WordPress is better than coding or not, depends on one key factor. We must know the basics of coding. Otherwise how we will compare between these two?

Of course WordPress does not need coding in some cases. Most of the WordPress users don’t have to know coding.


Because it’s a flexible Content Management System. Therefore multiple users can use it without knowing how it’s working.

And that is really dangerous. Since WordPress is too easy to use, people takes the free ride for granted.

And it becomes costly.

Lot of contents with images, videos, plugins, make a WordPress site unmaintainable. That is the cost we need to pay if we don’t learn WordPress properly.

What are the disadvantages of WordPress?

The biggest disadvantage is WordPress is too easy to start with!

Believe me or not, in my long web development journey I’ve come to many people who suffer due to the same reason.

A bad hosting company may make our life worse than we can imagine. Unnecessary plugins might make site slower than a snail.

To cut longer story short, we must know something about WordPress. The more we know, is better.

A WordPress developer with a working knowledge of PHP, HTML, CSS and JavaScript may build a WordPress site that runs faster than a leopard.

The only disadvantage is lack of knowledge.

Should I make a website using WordPress?

Yes. Of course you should.

There are plenty of reasons that we’ll discuss in this website specifically. However, to sum up we can say that the main reason is once you have a basic knowledge of PHP, HTML and CSS, you can start learning WordPress.

Every programming language we’ve just mentioned is free. WordPress is also free and uses PHP language as its core.

Moreover, initially we don’t have to know Relational Database Management System or RDBMS like MySQL or MariaDB.

As we progress, we can learn them as well.

Most importantly, we need to know the relations between tables. More we understand them better we can build complex WordPress site.

Above all, WordPress does the heavy lifting. And we don’t have to worry about it.

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2 responses to “Is WordPress easy to use for a beginner?”

  1. […] post will discuss the above topic. However, we should think of the beginners who don’t have prior knowledge of PHP. So, we need to be as simple as […]

  2. […] post will discuss the above topic. However, we should think of the beginners who don’t have prior knowledge of PHP. So, we need to be as simple as possible. Firstly, let […]

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