Is Flutter same as Dart?

We use Dart programming language to code Flutter apps. Therefore, certainly Flutter is not Dart. But we need Dart for Flutter.

Why do we ask this question?

Because a beginner, who has not coded before, always wants to learn the purpose.

Although we use the Dart programming language for web  development yet Dart is popular because of Flutter.


Because Flutter is the most popular mobile framework. As a result, if you want to learn Flutter, you must have a good knowledge of Dart programming language.

Why Flutter needs Dart?

Flutter is declarative. Dart has a declarative programmatic layout too. As an outcome, any program is easy to visualize. 

We have discussed it before. Why Flutter is declarative, and how it is different from the imperative style.

Therefore we need to learn and master a few things in Dart first. And at the same time, we will examine its implementation in Flutter.

That will make our learning process purposeful.

What will we learn in Dart?

Firstly, we will learn different data types. Variables and functions.

After that we will see how these variables and functions work inside a class. 

Since Dart is a strongly typed programming language and maintains null safety, we will learn that concept also.

Secondly, how functions pass arguments and what are the different methods of passing arguments.

Finally, comes the most important part of any programming language. Data structures.

We will learn how the list and map work. because we will use it in Flutter most often.

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One response to “Is Flutter same as Dart?”

  1. […] In any case, we can see that Dart has converted the value of an integer data type to string data type. […]

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