Is Flutter difficult to learn?

Everything is difficult to learn if you don’t fall in love of learning. Flutter is no exception.

In other words, if you want to build beautiful mobile apps that will simultaneously run on Android and iOS, from a single codebase, then you’ll definitely fall in love of Flutter.

As a beginner, you always want to know a few things.

That happens.

In this article, we’ll try to answer your frequently asked questions about Flutter.

But before that, let us see how a working small Flutter App looks like.

GridTileBar with Favorites clicked in flutter
GridTileBar with Favorites clicked in flutter

Is Flutter good for beginners?

Yes, flutter is very good for beginners. But, if you have not prior experience in object oriented programming, then let’s learn Dart programming first.

To start with Flutter we need to have some basic knowledge of Dart first.

Especially we’d like to have some knowledge on how object oriented programming works. The basic knowledge of Dart requires understanding of forming Classes and objects.

In addition to that, how we can pass data through Class constructors. We need to understand the concepts of parameters.

Everywhere in Flutter, we’ll find named parameters.

Not only that, we need to understand how data structures in Dart works. We’ll find this part most difficult, but not beyond human capacity. 🙂

After all, there is an open source community and this planet has still some good human beings who always help fellow humans.

As a result, a beginner will always find good mentors, everywhere.

Flutter needs a thorough knowledge on Dart List and Map. As you progress, you’ll find that Flutter uses them frequently.

Last, but not least, like any application Flutter uses State management.

Just like List and Map, the State management might scare us initially. But, we’ll stick with Provider package.

Is Flutter hard to use?

Not at all. On the contrary, Flutter is extremely beginner friendly. But as we have just read, Flutter has some concepts that will initially look difficult.

But once we understand the concept, we’ll love to implement them.

Therefore, try to understand the concept first. Many beginners think that Flutter is only about designing. Yes, that’s partly true.

But when we’ll start designing your Flutter app, we’ll find a lot of backend works to be done.

In fact, Flutter is frontend and backend, both.

Without understanding the backend part, we cannot use the frontend part.

To sum up the whole story, we can start learning Flutter along with Dart.

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