How to use bootstrap in WordPress theme?

Therefore, in this quick tutorial, we’ll learn how to add bootstrap theme to your WordPress site.

Moreover, we’ll learn a few WordPress functions also. Without them we cannot achieve our goal.

After that, we will go to Get Bootstrap website and download the latest version.

As a result, the latest bootstrap will come with many CSS and JavaScript file in two separate folders.

Extract the zipped folder.

We don’t need all CSS files at present. Only “bootstrap.css” file will work for the moment.

However, in the Get Bootstrap website, we need to follow any example site. Our goal is to build a WordPress site like that.





2 responses to “How to use bootstrap in WordPress theme?”

  1. […] question haunts developers. How do I edit CSS in WordPress post? For example, we want to display the code section […]

  2. […] question haunts developers. How do I edit CSS in WordPress post? For example, we want to display the code section […]

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