How AI uses speech recognition

Artificial Intelligence or AI uses Speech recognition to allow a machine to recognize, transcribe, and process spoken language.

We also know this technology as speech-to-text or voice recognition.

We use this technology in a variety of applications, such as virtual assistants, dictation software, and call center automation.

How AI uses Speech recognition and systems work?

It works by breaking down speech into individual sounds and then matching those sounds to words in a large database.

As an outcome, The system then uses grammar and context to determine the most likely transcription of the speech, which is then output as text.

It was not as easy before as it sounds now.

For example, Speech recognition has come a long way in recent years and it is now more accurate.

Therefore we use Speech recognition systems now more than ever before.

However, there are still challenges, such as recognizing speech in noisy environments or understanding speech from people with different accents.

Scientists and technologists need to overcome this for the technology to reach its full potential.

Image by Angela from Pixabay

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3 responses to “How AI uses speech recognition”

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