Flutter Artisan: Building Beautiful Design and Layout

Building beautiful design and layouts is the most challenging thing in mobile application development. In most cases, either the design, or the layout is not user friendly. Moreover, these two terms, design and layout confuse rather than clarify.

Design comes first. This is the abstract part of our layout which we materialize with Flutter widgets.

However, there are hundreds of widgets, thousands of methods and properties.

There are hundreds of widgets, and thousands of methods and properties in Flutter.

But which will help us to build a beautiful design implementing that layout in our Flutter Apps?

In addition, beginners are never taught why understanding Flutter fundamentals, such as element, baseline, aspect ratio, constraints, about dialog, or things like media query are extremely important in the very beginning.

I hope this new book Flutter Artisan will fill the gap. Although I’ve just started writing it, but in three months, you will get the 100 percent completed book focused on Flutter design and layout only.

Flutter Artisan will mostly cover these following topics.

  • How Widget tree follows the design and layout principles
  • How to implement a design by building layouts
  • What are responsive and adaptive Flutter Applications
  • How we can implement our design to build an adaptive and responsive apps
  • What are basic layout components like element, baseline, aspect ratio, etc
  • Understanding constraints
  • Why Box Constraints are important
  • How we can make our Flutter Application interactive avoiding unnecessary Widget rebuilding
  • Which packages are essential for designing beautiful, user friendly apps
  • How to use images without putting extra loads on system resource
  • How we can link other widgets or navigating to different screens
  • How to use a Global Theme to give apps a consistent look
  • What will be our URL strategies that makes apps faster
  • Digging deep into Animations
  • How to use Gestures and Slivers wisely


One response to “Flutter Artisan: Building Beautiful Design and Layout”

  1. […] invisible, yet Row, Column or Stack play very important role in building layout in […]

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