Flutter app and Artificial Intelligence

Can we use artificial intelligence in the Flutter app? Yes, we can. We can make Artificial Intelligence Apps using Flutter. 

Not only that, we can use Flutter as a part of a Machine Learning tool also. 

How can we do that?

We can do that with the TensorFlow Lite package. 

What is TensorFlow?

Firstly, we know that a scalar means a single number. Secondly, we know that a vector means one dimensional array. Thirdly, a matrix represents a two dimensional array.

In Flutter we use List and Map. 


And finally, comes the tensor that represents the N-Dimensional array.

When we say, N dimension, it means N represents any number. It could be 3 and more than 3.

Now, it’s easy to say, 3 dimensions. But in reality, from 3 dimensions the complexity grows.

As a result, let’s try to make it simple.

In TensorFlow main objects are tensors. And as we progress we will find that the TensorFlow library manipulates tensors in many ways.

As a result, we get value. To do that, we need to import it first. And then we can check the version in Google Colab.

To know more on TensorFlow please read the full discussion.

Therefore, we can use TensorFlow Machine Learning concepts to develop artificially intelligent flutter apps.

As a result, we can train a model for the apps, besides, we can also use these trained-models in the apps. 

Finally we can build Artificially Intelligent, Deep Learning and Machine Learning Apps for the Android Smart Phones and iOS using Flutter SDK with TensorFlow Lite.

Besides these we can also develop Flutter apps using Firebase Machine Learning Kit which we know as Firebase ML Kit.

We have discussed Machine Learning Algorithms separately on another website dedicated to TensorFlow, Machine Learning, and Artificial Intelligence.

How Artificial Intelligence helps us to move forward

We can make significant advancement and innovations using Artificial Intelligence. 

As AI has become a rising star in the mobile app development services, we can use it to make more advanced Flutter apps.

It’s true that the combination of Flutter and Artificial Intelligence may bring out some unique methods which is the present need for the business growth.

Are there any examples of such combinations?

Certainly, there are.

Personalized Shopping Recommendations is one of them. 

AI-driven Chat-bot has become popular. And there are many others.

Because AI has become a buzzword in the market of mobile app development, we must adopt it also.

We will discuss more on the Firebase ML kit later. 


Because, there are many things to learn. 

Above all, many things to come while we have been building our E Commerce App.

So stay tuned.

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