Category: TensorFlow

  • What is Google Colab platform?

    Google Colab platform is cloud-based and for developing and running machine learning models. Let’s know how it works. Firstly, Google Colab provides access to GPUs and TPUs for running large-scale experiments. In addition it integrates with popular machine learning libraries and packages. With Colab, users can write and run code. And also save and share…

  • Comment apprendre TensorFlow?

    Avant d’apprendre TensorFlow, nous devrions savoir ce que c’est. TensorFlow est un framework d’apprentissage automatique. Qui a créé TensorFlow ? L’équipe Brain de Google. Maintenant, en tant que débutant, vous vous demandez peut-être qu’est-ce que l’apprentissage automatique et qu’est-ce que l’apprentissage en profondeur ? Sont-ils les mêmes? Ou sont-ils liés à l’intelligence artificielle ou à l’IA ?…

  • How to learn TensorFlow?

    Before learning TensorFlow, we should know what it is. TensorFlow is a machine learning or deep learning framework. Who has created TensorFlow?  Google’s Brain Team. Now, as a beginner you may wonder, what is machine learning and what is deep learning? Are they the same? Or do they relate to Artificial Intelligence  or AI? Well,…

  • Qu’est-ce que TensorFlow en termes simples ?

    Essayons de définir le TensorFlow de Google en une seule phrase. TensorFlow est un framework d’apprentissage automatique. Bien que l’apprentissage automatique (machine learning) soit une discipline complexe, nous en avons également discuté en termes simples. Pour les débutants, bien sûr. Certes, l’apprentissage automatique ou les algorithmes d’apprentissage automatique sont complexes et nécessitent des années d’études…

  • What is TensorFlow in simple terms?

    Let’s try to define Google’s TensorFlow in one single sentence. TensorFlow is a machine learning framework. Although machine learning is a complex discipline, yet we have discussed that also in simple terms. For the beginners, of course. Certainly, machine learning, or machine learning algorithms is complex and requires years of study and practice. But, implementing…

  • What is machine learning in simple words?

    When we say TensorFlow is a machine learning or ML library, what does that mean? To know that we need to know what ML is. Firstly, machine learning is a type of artificial intelligence or AI.  What is artificial intelligence or AI? Artificial intelligence allows software applications to become more accurate at predicting outcomes. However,…

  • Does TensorFlow use NumPy?

    We all know that TensorFlow uses the NumPy API. But not only NumPy, it also uses many other APIs. We will learn them too, as we progress. But how can we implement the subset of the NumPy API? The answer is, we use the tf.experimental.numpy. As a result, it allows us to run the NumPy…

  • How do we change the data type of a tensor?

    We can change the data type of any tensor. It takes no trouble. TensorFlow gives us easy options to do that. But why should we change the data type of a tensor? Before we know how we can do this, isn’t it not perfect to know why we need to do this? Therefore, let’s find…

  • Tensor multiplication error

    In the previous section we have seen how tensor multiplication works. But when does tensor multiplication give error? Here we will examine that. In addition, we will also learn the definite rule of tensor multiplication. Let’s import the TensorFlow first. Firstly, we will create two tensors with the constant method.  By the way, we have…

  • How do tensors multiply?

    To multiply two tensors is a tricky business. Why? Because, there are many factors that influence this multiplication. Let’s see an example first, after that, we will discuss how it works. First let’s import the TensorFlow. Now we can multiply these tensors using two ways. The first method is simple. We use a @ keyword.…

  • What is a data tensor?

    We have seen how to create a tensor. Not only that, we have also seen what is the difference between a scalar, a vector and a tensor. We have also seen what a matrix is. In that sense, a vector or a matrix is also a tensor.  However, by the term tensor, we can always…

  • What is shuffle TensorFlow?

    The shuffle method in TensorFlow does one thing. It shuffles the samples in the data set. However, why do we need to shuffle that? Especially when we want to shuffle the order in TensorFlow, there are reasons to do that. For example, we are working with 10000 images of lions and tigers. In that collection,…

  • How do you make a random tensor?

    We have seen two methods to create a tensor. But how do we make a random tensor? Here the word random stands for shuffling the orders. Let’s jump in and write some code to see how we can make random tensor first. After that we will see how we can shuffle them. We have created…

  • Is Python same as TensorFlow?

    We should learn the Python programming language to use TensorFlow. Python is a Programming language. But what is TensorFlow? Firstly, TensorFlow is a Python library. But for what purpose do we use it? For fast numerical computing.  As a result, TensorFlow is a foundation library that we can use to create Deep Learning models directly. We…

  • What is the difference between Tensor constant and variable

    There is one difference between a tensor variable and a tensor constant. We can change the tensor created with a variable method. However, the tensors created with the tensor constant method are unchangeable.  In other words, the tensor created by variable is mutable. And the tensor created by constant is immutable. In our previous section…

  • Python data structures and TensorFlow

    In our previous section we have seen how we can work with python data structures. Now we will do the same with TensorFlow. Before we start let’s recapitulate. TensorFlow is a machine learning library. As a result, when we import the TensorFlow as “tf”, it acts as a TensorFlow object. In the previous section we…

  • Scalar, Vector, Matrix, and Tensor in Python

    What are scalar, vector, matrix and tensor in Python? They relate to TensorFlow also. And we’ll see the similarity in the next section. But before that let’s try to understand the basics of data structures in Python. Firstly, scalar is any number.  Let’s see the code in python, that will explain better. In the above…

  • Getting started with TensorFlow

    How can we start with TensorFlow? But before that we need to explain why we need TensorFlow? We’ll discuss that here. Besides, we will see some code to get an idea. Firstly, we need TensorFlow for pre-processing data. Secondly, we need it for modeling data. Finally TensorFlow serves models so that others can use it.…

  • How to filter Pandas DataFrame

    We have already seen how versatile the Pandas package is. In this section we’ll find how we can filter Pandas DataFrame.  We have been working with the Pandas GitHub repository of data. The DataFrame is simple. Let’s see the code. There are altogether 244 rows and 7 columns.  By the way, we refer to rows…

  • How do I read and write tabular data?

    In our previous section we learned how to use the Pandas package in python. In this section we’ll learn to read and write tabular data.  Tabular data is nothing but a two dimensional array. We place them as rows and columns.  In any relational database, we get tabular data. Not only that, we can get…

  • Linear Regression and Machine Learning Algorithm

    Linear Regression refers to many points. It’s one of the core machine learning algorithms. Also, it’s the easiest of all. As a result, it makes predictions for continuous and real numerical values, such as sales. At the same time, it is a core statistical and data science concept. Why? Because in statistics, or in data science…