Category: Mathematics

  • Mathematics in Data Science

    One of the main pillars of Data Science is Mathematics. We need Mathematics in Data Science. However, beginners often fumble with a question. How much should I learn Mathematics to master Data Science? Certainly, you need to master Data Science. Right?  Everybody wants to progress. Therefore we need to learn a certain level of mathematics…

  • Truth table and data science

    George Boole, the founder of Boolean algebra, is also one of the founder of Computer Science. Why? Because in 1847, when he wrote his famous book “The Mathematical Analysis of Logic”. Certainly, he had not thought about PC, mobile or tabs. But in his second book, “An Investigation of the Laws of Thought” that he…

  • Logic and Data Science

    Does logic come before Mathematics? The answer is “Yes”. In addition, as we progress, we’ll find logic also relates to data science. For example, a child knows what is hot and what is cold. How? She does not know any mathematical conceptions. Then how it happens? She develops her logical experience by observation and actions.…

  • Slope of Line in Python

    We have learned the relationship between discrete mathematics, Python and data science. While finding the slope of the line we can plot it using the matplotlib package. Certainly, we can get the same effect with the help of continuous mathematics also. As always we’ll use the Python program first. After that, to prove the simplicity…

  • Python and Mathematics

    Mathematicians and scientists love python. There are several reasons for that. We will see the reasons as we progress. In the following part we will compute the number of molecules in a hydrocarbon. First, we will compute this program using Python, after that, we will use Java and C++ to compute the same program. Notice…

  • What is Discrete Mathematics?

    Discrete Mathematics is a branch of Mathematics and, to be very particular, it is the study of Mathematical structures, and objects that are discrete. In that sense, ‘people’, ‘animal’, ‘chair’ and everything we see around us, fall under this mathematical study.  Why?  Because, the objects are discrete, distinct. They are not continuous.  Think about real…

  • Why we need discrete mathematics in data science?

    Why do we need discrete mathematics in data science? The main reason is mathematics and statistics are important components of data science. We cannot think of data science without a basic mathematical knowledge. As a result, we need to understand discrete mathematics if we plan to be a data scientist. Certainly besides discrete mathematics, we…

  • Discrete Mathematics and Data Science

    Is Discrete Mathematics enough to study Data Science? Our answer is – NO.  There are some other topics that we must know. We will try to understand how Calculus, Linear Algebra and as a whole, Mathematics relates to data science. When we say calculus, that means besides discrete mathematics, continuous mathematics also plays an important…

  • Discrete Mathematics, python and data science

    What is the difference between discrete mathematics and continuous mathematics? Why is discrete mathematics important for data science and python?  Because discrete mathematics deals with mathematical structures which we consider as discrete. We cannot dig deep into this matter unless we know the nature of discrete mathematics. Consider a relational table, where the row starts…