Category: Mathematics

  • Can we learn all Machine Learning algorithms in one place?

    Yes, we can learn all machine learning algorithms such as linear regression, decision trees, and neural networks at one go. Firstly we will prefer good books over online courses. There are reasons or algorithms behind this decision. Certainly it is not a linear decision. At the same time we can go through some research papers…

  • How can we learn Artificial Intelligence?

    If we want to learn Artificial Intelligence or in short AI, there are a few steps that we need to follow. It’s like a one way ticket. Why do we call it a one way ticket? Because there is no alternative to Artificial Intelligence. Ultimately we have to learn it. The emergence of ChatGPT tells…

  • What is an example of using quantum computing?

    Using Quantum computing is a type of computing that uses quantum bits (qubits) instead of classical bits. We’ll learn this concept. Qubits can exist in multiple states at once. As a result, it allows quantum computers to perform many calculations simultaneously. This leads to a significant speedup for certain types of problems compared to classical…

  • Can we skew Median in Data Science

    In our previous section we have seen that we can trust Median than Mean. But in reality we can skew the Median. And we can make the Median look much greater than it should be.  In data science, as well as in statistics, we can prove that. We can skew the Median and maximise its…

  • Why Median is better than Mean in Data Science

    Why is Median better than Mean in Data Science? This question haunts beginners in particular. We will discuss this topic in this section. Although an experienced data scientist knows the answer. But, still we can question this conviction also.  Why? We’ll check in the next section. Therefore, I will request you to check the next…

  • What is TensorFlow by Google Brain Team

    TensorFlow is an end-to-end platform for machine learning. We have already discussed what machine learning is.  In addition, we have also seen the difference between machine learning and artificial intelligence. Here we’ll learn TensorFlow, created by Google Brain Team. TensorFlow is a Software library for Machine Learning, and Artificial Intelligence.  It uses Python, so we’ll…

  • Probability in Discrete Mathematics, and Data Science

    What is the possibility of an event to happen? Probability in discrete mathematics and data science is all about this. Nothing more. Or less. For example, if we toss a coin in the air, the probability of getting head or tail is the same.  It’s because there are only two sides there. On the contrary,…

  • Mean, Median and Mode in Data Science

    We have discussed Mean, Median and Mode before. Although not in a great detail. However, the three types of averages in data science play key role.  Firstly, they are mostly statistical data. But they relate to Discrete Mathematics also. Secondly, we can understand them from any data set. Why? We’ll see in a minute. Finding…

  • Linear Algebra and add Vector in Data Science

    Linear algebra is an essential component in Data Science. As a result, we need to understand the vector which is two dimensional arrays. We have seen before that we can plot any vector with the help of NumPy, Pandas and Matplotlib. In addition we have also seen how we can multiply two vectors.  Therefore we…

  • Linear Algebra, Vector, Matrix and Data Science

    Linear algebra deals with vectors and matrices. What is a vector? Moreover, what is a Matrix? Above all how linear algebra as a discipline of mathematics relates to them? We’ll discuss the topic in this section. However, before we have discussed what a Vector or Matrix is. Not only that, we will also see how we…

  • Linear Algebra, Python, NumPy and Data Science

    There is a relation between Linear Algebra, Python, NumPy and Data Science. In this section, we’ll try to understand this relation. However, we will keep this introduction as simple as possible keeping in mind that a beginner might understand. Firstly, linear algebra starts with Vectors.  We have seen before the difference between scalar and vector.…

  • Is Mathematics essential for Machine Learning

    Is mathematics essential for machine learning? One can ask the same question in the following way. What if I am not good at mathematics? Can I learn machine learning algorithms? Assuming that a beginner asks this question, let’s have a frank discussion. Although at some point mathematics is essential for machine learning and data science,…

  • Is Machine Learning Algorithms different from Algorithms

    Is there any difference between traditional algorithms and machine learning algorithms? After all, machine learning algorithms come from algorithms. Right?  And then, why should we make a difference? Rather we should say, machine learning algorithms are a part of algorithms which have a history and background.  Why? Because, we know, thousand years ago there were…

  • Python math module and data science

    How does the python math module relate to data science? As a beginner you may wonder. We’ll come to that point in a minute.  But before that, we would like to discuss the math module in Python. Firstly, python from the very beginning has the in-built mathematics library. As a result, we don’t have to…

  • Role of Algorithms in Data Science

    Algorithms and Data science, we cannot think one without the other. However, how does one relate to the other?  In this section, we’ll try to understand this important topic. Firstly, we’ll take a look at the following diagram which we have on the sidebar. For the beginners, let’s assure one thing. The machine learning algorithms…

  • Data and Decision Science with Machine Learning Algorithms

    Data science always relates to decision science. However, machine learning algorithms bridge the gap. How does one relate to the other? In this section we’ll try to understand how it happens. For example, in data science decision making depends on effective calculation.  As a result, without learning machine learning algorithms we cannot think of building correct…

  • Discrete Mathematics and Machine Learning algorithms

    In our previous discussion we said that machine learning algorithms are not difficult. However, we need to know mathematics, and to be precise some concepts of discrete mathematics. And besides, we need to know how we can write algorithms in Python. Why are we saying so? Let’s try to understand.  Because one of the main…

  • Machine Learning Algorithms, and Data Science

    Why we need Machine Learning algorithms in Data Science? Let us understand from the standpoint of a beginner in data science. Firstly, One of the main branches of computer science is algorithms. As a result, whenever we try to find a solution in Python, we need an algorithm. Right?  It might be one of the…

  • NumPy array sort in Python

    We can sort any array with the NumPy array sort method. Certainly, it’s faster and easier than writing the sorting algorithm in Python. We’ll see to that in a minute. But before that, we need to recapitulate one key concept in Python and algorithm. Every algorithm comes with a cost. That means, we can write…

  • Control Constructs, Python, and Mean

    Why do we need control constructs, such as while, or for loop in Python? Certainly we need more control over our code. But there are more. That’s the first reason. The second reason is we want to compute a huge number of values in a short period of time. And by that way, we can…

  • De Morgan’s Law, Boolean Algebra, Truth Table

    In this section we will learn about basic algorithm. However algorithm has its roots in De Morgan’s laws on Boolean algebra. In addition, the main concept of logical expression evolves. After learning about basic algorithmic steps and sequences, we will understand how data structures depend on logical expression. Firstly, to build complex algorithm we need…