Category: Intermediate

  • What is forEach in Flutter? E Com App 22

    We can use the forEach loop with any type of collection in Flutter. In Dart we have seen many types of implementations. The e-commerce app we have been building has many parts. We have used the Provider package to provide values and notify listeners. However, every component like product, cart and order has a unique…

  • What does override do in Flutter?

    Either in a Stateful or in a Stateless widget, we always see the annotation override before the build() method. Right?  Have you ever thought about what does the annotation override mean? Moreover, is it necessary at all? Let’s consider a Dart class to see its implementation first. After that we will discuss the code. If…

  • What is get and set in Flutter?

    As the name suggests, we use the get and set method in Flutter for security purposes. Actually to get the value of a private variable. In our previous discussion we have seen how we can make a member variable private. Why? Because no one can manipulate this variable outside this class. As a result, we…

  • Dart math min examples, E Com App 21

    When do we need to use the Dart “math” library in Flutter? Not only that, we also use the min method to find the smallest number. Basically the Dart min method passes two numbers as arguments and returns the smallest one. The e-commerce app, which we have been building, has gone through a lot of…

  • Push replacement named Flutter, E Com App 19

    The push replacement named is a navigation method. We will see how it works and why we need it, in a minute. However, before that we would like to explain it. Why do we need this particular method in the E Commerce app?  Firstly, we have seen how we can manage our orders. And to…

  • Flutter list clear, E Com App 17

    We can use the Flutter List clear method in many ways. But the most convenient way, perhaps using the clear() method. Why do we need this method? We need this method for many reasons, but in our E Commerce app, we need it to clear the cart. In the beginning we have an introduction to…

  • Flutter E Commerce App Design -Section 13

    In this section, we will take a look at the design part of the e-commerce app. UI or design plays an important role in building Flutter apps.  In the previous section we have added a Cart Model. However, to nest a new Provider model class, we need to use the multi provider property of the…

  • Flutter Map in Cart Model, E Com app 12

    As we said, List and Map play an important role in Flutter. While adding Cart items in an e-commerce app, we need a special Map method. We’ll discuss that in a minute. So far we have progressed and learned a few things while building the e-commerce app. Most importantly, we have learned how to display…

  • Nested Provider Flutter, E-Com App 8

    Firstly in this section we will try to understand the concept of the nested provider in Flutter. We will see why we use it. Secondly we will know how we can use a nested provider to enhance the performance of our E-Commerce app? Finally we will show you the advantage of the nested provider in…

  • Modal Route Flutter, E-Com App 4

    What is the Modal Route in Flutter? How can we pass arguments from one screen to the other while navigating? We’ll try to answer these questions in this section. In the previous section we have seen how we can navigate to a new screen with the product detail. Certainly without the Modal Route class, it…

  • Navigation in Flutter, E-Commerce App 3

    Although we’ve discussed navigation in Flutter before, it’s still relevant in our e-commerce app. Firstly, we’ve seen how we can manage themes across the app with the latest Material You design.  Secondly, we have managed to display products on our home page with the help of a provider package. Therefore we have gone over the…

  • Flutter backend local, E Commerce app – 2

    We’ve discussed how to use Flutter backend before. There are several options. Using a local file is certainly one of them.  In this e-commerce app, we’re going to use local files as well. As a result, what we’re displaying as products on the home page, are objects that we’ve instantiated locally. As the first step,…

  • Flutter app development, E Commerce App first step

    In our previous section we have an introduction to Flutter app development. We’ll build an e commerce app, step by step. In the beginning we used a simple theme. As a result, we have our first screenshot like the following. We can take a look at the first branch where we have the initial code.…

  • Notification class in Flutter, How to notify child widgets

    How do we use the Notification class in Flutter? In this section we will use Notification class in many ways. Firstly, we will use it to pass a custom color scheme across the Flutter app. As a result we have to use the ValueNotifier class in accomplishing the task. In addition we’ll also use the…

  • Material 3 : Flutter Firebase, Provider Blog App Final

    Material 3, which is a short form of Material Design 3, is the next generation theme for Flutter apps. According to the Google team, it is the most expressive and adaptable design system yet. How will you adopt Material 3, and apply a custom theme across your Flutter app, depends on you. In other words,…

  • Material 3 Flutter : A Dark Theme in Web App

    We’ve been building a Firebase, Firestore and Provider based web app where we have already used Material design 3. Firstly, what is Material design 3? It’s the next generation design that will rule the cross platform application world. Secondly, in our previous section we have changed the look of the existing web app. However, we…

  • Material design 3 Flutter : A Light Theme

    How to change design and color of Flutter web app What is Material design 3? How would we apply this theme to new Flutter 3.0? Well, let’s try to answer the questions one after another. Firstly, Material design 3 is the next generation design language. It’s good news that Flutter has supported Material design 3 from…

  • Text Form Field Flutter size, how to increase in web app

    How do we increase the size of the text form field size in a Flutter app? We need to increase the size because we’ve been building a Flutter Firebase, Provider web app where users write blogs. As a result, as an interface, on the screen users must give some inputs through the TextFormField. However we’re…

  • Factory constructor Flutter : when to use

    Why do we need factory constructor in flutter? Moreover, when to use the factory constructor? Firstly, we have been building a web app with Flutter 3.0. As a result, now we can generate the same output on the web as we usually do in mobile. You may ask, could we not do that before? Before…

  • Flutter 3.0, What is New

    A few days ago Google announced the official release of Flutter 3.0. Let’s see what is new in Flutter 3. Firstly, with reference to mobile application development, there has not been a great change. Structurally what we have been doing, will continue to do. Certainly a change in here and there had taken place. In…