Category: Flutter

  • Fade Animation Flutter : Tiny Flutter Apps series

    How can we use fade animation in flutter? Please don’t mix it up with the fade transition widget where a widget fades in and out. We will use the animated text kit to make a text fade in and fades out. We have been trying to build tiny flutter apps where we’ve been learning one…

  • Animated text kit flutter : Tiny Flutter Apps

    How do you make animated text in Flutter? Certainly we can use different types of animation widgets that flutter supplies. However, the easiest way is to use the animated text kit. Animated text kit is a flutter plugin, or package, whatever you want to name it. The animated text kit package makes our life easier…

  • Filter Images Flutter : Tiny Flutter Apps Step 1

    In our previous section we have discussed how we’re going to build different types of tiny flutter apps. In our first endeavour, we are going to filter images in flutter.  Let’s see how it works first. An image is worth a thousand words. Therefore, it will give us a clear picture. It will explain what…

  • Tiny Flutter Apps Examples that you want to master

    We’ve built a few Flutter apps already. Probably you have learned a few tips, and tricks out there. However, I’d like to introduce a new module where you will learn to build tiny Flutter apps. We’ll see the examples, test them in our own machines.  And, in addition, we’ll apply the knowledge later to build…

  • Flutter WebView : design TabBar, final step

    In our previous section we have seen how we can use Flutter WebView widget with TabBar. However, you’ve probably noticed that the TabBar design is not up to the mark. In addition, we cannot display the application’s title as we wanted to do. Therefore, in this section we will work on them.  Let’s see the…

  • WebView in Flutter : Adding TabBar, Step 2

    We have been using webview in flutter to display web content on the screen. However, in our previous section we have just learned how to use webview in flutter. Now we want to add some more style to our flutter app. As a result, we want to use the TabBar widget. We use TabBar inside…

  • WebView Flutter : Flutter Today App Step 1

    What does a WebView in Flutter do? Certainly it displays web content on the mobile screen. But does its job end there? Or, will we just display web content on the screen? No.  We can use the WebView plugin to add the webview Widget. In addition, we can design our Flutter app. We can add…

  • Timer Flutter : How to countdown starts and ends

    Flutter has a Timer class that we can configure. As a result, we can either start it, stop it or resume it. When a timer in flutter works it actually starts a countdown. As we know, in many cases, we need a timer to start a countdown in a flutter app. We can see a…

  • List.generate Flutter : Expense Checker App Final step

    In the final step of the expense checker app we will discuss a key concept. List.generate constructor in Flutter. Firstly, List.generate constructor generates a list of values.  Secondly, the List.generate constructor creates the list with length position. That means the constructor fills up the list with values from index 0 but ends at the one…

  • List Flutter Dart : Expense Checker App step 4

    The data type list in flutter and dart plays a key role in our expense checker app. Although we have learned a few important concepts while we have been building this app. For example, we have learned asynchronous functions, such as modal bottom sheet, and show date picker. In addition we have learned how to…

  • Fractionally Sized Box : Expense Checker app 3

    Fractionally sized box is a widget in flutter that we need in our expense checker app.  Why?  Because we want to populate a chart bar with our transaction amount.  As a result, the chart bar will change as the user spends money on some items.  As the list of items grows, the fractionally sized box…

  • Show date picker : Expense checker app step 2

    The show date picker in Flutter is an asynchronous function. Therefore, we need to use either the Future then method, or await and async. In our expense checker app we will use the show date picker function to select dates. We have discussed the Future then method, await and async before. In fact, in various…

  • Modal Bottom Sheet Flutter : Expense Checker App step 1

    We’ve been building an expense checker app. As a beginning we have shown how the finished app will look like. While doing that, we have noticed two different types of Flutter functions. One is the Modal bottom sheet. And the other is Show date picker. In this section, we will concentrate to learn how the…

  • Flutter app development, check your expense

    Flutter app development is nothing new to us. We’ve already built a few flutter apps. As a result, we have seen how we can use different types of flutter features. Now we are going to build a Flutter app that will check our expenses first. Next, we will compare them according to the dates. Firstly,…

  • Chat Apps for Android with Flutter and Firebase

    In this final section we’ll make sure that our Chat apps will work for Android. In the same vein it could have worked for iOS or web. We have that options also. To make that happen, we have made our flutter chat app platform specific. As a result, user can choose the specific platforms and…

  • Flutter Chat app UI: designing the pages

    In the last section we have seen how to handle the business logic and control the application flow. Let’s design our app in a way so that it synchronises with the logic flow. Typically we always see that a Flutter chat app uses Stateful widget. But in our case, we have used the Provider package…

  • Flutter Chat App Provider with Business logic

    In this section we’ll build the Flutter Chat app UI. In addition we’ll also write the Business logic with Provider package. Therefore we need the latest provider package and we need to add that dependency to our “pubspec.yaml” file. But at the same time we also need to fasten a few packages more. Firstly, take…

  • Firebase, Firestore rules for Flutter Chat App

    As a backend service Firebase acts fine for Flutter. But we need to follow a certain rules. It also applies to the Firestore collection that acts as the database to our Flutter Chat app. In our previous section we have seen how good they are. For example, we have already built a Flutter Chat app.…

  • Flutter Chat app with Provider and Firebase

    We have built a Flutter Chat app in our previous sections. That was a step by step guide. A small app although. Now we’re going to build a chat app with Provider. Just like before we’re also going to use Firebase. However this app will not be like the previous one. Why? Because the previous…

  • Flutter Firestore: Chat App Final Step

    What is the relation between Flutter and Firestore? In this final section we’ll discuss that. Basically, when we use Firebase with Flutter, we use the database of Firestore as a service. So Firebase and Firestore give us a few different type of backend services. We need to understand it first. Therefore, our target will be…

  • Firebase and Flutter: Chat App authentication

    In the previous sections we have learned how we can avoid errors while we use Firebase and Flutter. Moreover, we have learned how to customise the button. Now we’ll finish the authentication section pf our Chat App. To do that we need Firebase and Flutter. Most importantly, they should work together. To sum up, the…