Category: Flutter Apps

  • Navigation in Flutter, E-Commerce App 3

    Although we’ve discussed navigation in Flutter before, it’s still relevant in our e-commerce app. Firstly, we’ve seen how we can manage themes across the app with the latest Material You design.  Secondly, we have managed to display products on our home page with the help of a provider package. Therefore we have gone over the…

  • Flutter backend local, E Commerce app – 2

    We’ve discussed how to use Flutter backend before. There are several options. Using a local file is certainly one of them.  In this e-commerce app, we’re going to use local files as well. As a result, what we’re displaying as products on the home page, are objects that we’ve instantiated locally. As the first step,…

  • Flutter app development, E Commerce App first step

    In our previous section we have an introduction to Flutter app development. We’ll build an e commerce app, step by step. In the beginning we used a simple theme. As a result, we have our first screenshot like the following. We can take a look at the first branch where we have the initial code.…

  • E Commerce App in Flutter, A Step by Step Guide

    How to build an E Commerce app in Flutter from scratch? We will try to do it step by step.  However, it will certainly take some time. Because we are trying to build this E Commerce Flutter app in a way, so that a beginner might understand the steps. However, if you have already done…

  • Learn 10 Flutter Apps in 100 Days

    We’ve already learned how to build Flutter apps. And as we progress we’ll build more Flutter apps.  Certainly Flutter transforms the entire app development process. As a result, we can not only build mobile, web, desktop and embedded apps from a single codebase, but we can test and deploy them. Meanwhile the good news is…

  • Notification class in Flutter, How to notify child widgets

    How do we use the Notification class in Flutter? In this section we will use Notification class in many ways. Firstly, we will use it to pass a custom color scheme across the Flutter app. As a result we have to use the ValueNotifier class in accomplishing the task. In addition we’ll also use the…

  • Material 3 : Flutter Firebase, Provider Blog App Final

    Material 3, which is a short form of Material Design 3, is the next generation theme for Flutter apps. According to the Google team, it is the most expressive and adaptable design system yet. How will you adopt Material 3, and apply a custom theme across your Flutter app, depends on you. In other words,…

  • Material 3 Flutter : A Dark Theme in Web App

    We’ve been building a Firebase, Firestore and Provider based web app where we have already used Material design 3. Firstly, what is Material design 3? It’s the next generation design that will rule the cross platform application world. Secondly, in our previous section we have changed the look of the existing web app. However, we…

  • Material design 3 Flutter : A Light Theme

    How to change design and color of Flutter web app What is Material design 3? How would we apply this theme to new Flutter 3.0? Well, let’s try to answer the questions one after another. Firstly, Material design 3 is the next generation design language. It’s good news that Flutter has supported Material design 3 from…

  • Theme color Flutter, how to use in web app

    In Flutter 3.0 theme color we’ll use Material design 3. Certainly we will adopt the same principle in our ongoing web app. However, we need to understand how we can configure the overall visual Theme for a MaterialApp or a widget subtree within the app. That’s the first step. In fact, this section will explain…

  • Text Form Field Flutter size, how to increase in web app

    How do we increase the size of the text form field size in a Flutter app? We need to increase the size because we’ve been building a Flutter Firebase, Provider web app where users write blogs. As a result, as an interface, on the screen users must give some inputs through the TextFormField. However we’re…

  • Flutter web 3.0 blog app with Firebase, Provider

    While building the Flutter web 3.0 blog app with Firebase and Provider, we have faced some challenges. Firstly, we cannot hard code the blog posts anymore.  Secondly, we have to assure that only the signed-in visitors will post their blogs.  Finally, we will not use the multi provider technique. Instead we will use the ChangeNotifierProvider…

  • Factory constructor Flutter : when to use

    Why do we need factory constructor in flutter? Moreover, when to use the factory constructor? Firstly, we have been building a web app with Flutter 3.0. As a result, now we can generate the same output on the web as we usually do in mobile. You may ask, could we not do that before? Before…

  • Flutter Hard Code in Web App

    Flutter hard code is just like any other hard code principle that we follow when we develop any flutter app. Hard code is something that we embed into our code. Neither it comes from any external source, nor we change the value on runtime. Right? Flutter hard code is no exception. For example, we’ve seen…

  • Multi provider flutter in Web App

    While building our web app, we face a challenge. Firstly, we need to merge multiple providers. To solve this issue we have used a multi provider.  As a result, it improves the readability of our code. Secondly, it reduces boilerplate code. Why? Because otherwise we have to nest multiple layers of providers which doesn’t sound…

  • Flutter Data Provider : How to use in Flutter Web App

    We’ve building a flutter web app with Firebase, Firestore, and Provider. Before we start building the app, let’s try to understand how we can use the provider package. In addition, we can also have a look at the flutter data provider pattern. The flutter data provider primarily means how we can provide any type of…

  • Flutter Web : Flutter Firebase Firestore Provider Web App

    Is Flutter ideal for building a web app? We usually treat flutter as a software development kit to build mobile apps. Right?  And no doubt, flutter is one of the most popular tools for building mobile apps. As a result, the question remains.  Whether in the same vein can we use flutter for building a…

  • Animation in Flutter : Tiny Flutter Apps

    Do you want to implement a variety of animations? Flutter makes it easy to implement. However, animation in flutter looks the simplest when we use the animated text kit package. Let us try to understand what animation is first. Right? And after that, we will briefly take a look at how we can place different…

  • Flutter Sparkle animation : Tiny Flutter Apps

    Do you want to add sparkle animation in flutter? Certainly there are different ways to do that. But the easiest way to add the sparkle animation effect is the animated text kit package. When a text sparkles, how does it look?  Let’s take a look first. After that we will discuss how this sparkle animation…

  • Wave Animation in Flutter : Tiny Flutter Apps

    We can create wave animation in flutter using the animated text kit package. As a result, the text appears on the screen as a wave.  Although now wave animation in flutter seems so easy, yet in the past it was not so.  In earlier days of Animation, the main artist drew the key-frames. After that,…