Category: Coding

  • Which Programming Languages ​​Most In Demand In 2023?

    According to the industry trends, we can list the Programming Languages ​​Most In Demand In 2023. Let’s see the list at a glance. In 2023 we have already reached the middle of February. And the pattern shows the topper of the most in-demand programming languages is Python. Python is a high-level, interpreted language used in…

  • Boost your coding performance 100 times

    Is it possible that you can boost your coding performance 100 times? Yes, here are a few ways to enhance coding performance. Here we will talk about them one after another. So stay tuned. First, Write clean, readable, and well-documented code. This will make it easier to maintain and debug. Second, Use appropriate data structures…

  • What is an example of using quantum computing?

    Using Quantum computing is a type of computing that uses quantum bits (qubits) instead of classical bits. We’ll learn this concept. Qubits can exist in multiple states at once. As a result, it allows quantum computers to perform many calculations simultaneously. This leads to a significant speedup for certain types of problems compared to classical…

  • Can you mix two programming languages

    The answer is yes. We can learn two programming languages at the same time. When we learn web development, what do we do? We learn HTML, CSS, PHP, MySQL or even JavaScript at the one go. Right?  With reference to the question, we need to understand the context.  For example, consider programming languages like C…

  • Which programming language should I learn

    Very often a beginner asks this question – which programming language should I learn? There are many common languages. However, in 2023, we want to include some popular programming languages to our list.  Python: we use Python in data science, machine learning, and web development.  It has a large and active community and a wide…

  • What is enumerate in Python

    The enumerate in Python is a built-in function. It takes an iterable object. And returns an iterator that produces tuples. The iterable object could be a list, tuple, or string. Moreover, it contains the index and the value of each element of the object. Here’s an example. Here we can use enumerate to iterate over…

  • What is for loop in Python give example?

    The for loop in Python is one of the main looping constructs. Usually we use the for loop when we want to iterate over the sequence.  This sequence could be a collection, such as tuple, list, or even a string. As a result of iteration, the placeholder variable takes every item as we iterate over…

  • Python while loop

    In our previous section we have seen examples of if-else. In this section, we will take a look at Python while loop. The common question that comes to our mind is which one is faster? For or while loop?  In the Java section, we have tried to find out the answer. You may have a…

  • if else in python

    The if else in Python is a part of flow control. In this section we will try to understand how the if-else block works in Python. If you are new to Python, you may visit the other beginner friendly articles in the Python Primer category. Flow control plays an important role not only in Python…