Category: Algorithm

  • Boost your coding performance 100 times

    Is it possible that you can boost your coding performance 100 times? Yes, here are a few ways to enhance coding performance. Here we will talk about them one after another. So stay tuned. First, Write clean, readable, and well-documented code. This will make it easier to maintain and debug. Second, Use appropriate data structures…

  • Explain artificial intelligence in simple terms

    Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines. We have designed it to think and act like humans. These machines use algorithms, data, and processing power to recognize patterns, make decisions, and complete tasks. As a result, it acts in a way that resembles human behavior. However, The ultimate goal of…

  • What does GPT-3 mean in AI?

    The term GPT-3 stands for the third-generation Generative Pre-trained Transformer. It is a neural network machine learning model. Furthermore we train model using internet data to generate any type of text. Developed by OpenAI, it requires a small amount of input text to generate large volumes of relevant and sophisticated machine-generated text. Actually, GPT stands…

  • Can you mix two programming languages

    The answer is yes. We can learn two programming languages at the same time. When we learn web development, what do we do? We learn HTML, CSS, PHP, MySQL or even JavaScript at the one go. Right?  With reference to the question, we need to understand the context.  For example, consider programming languages like C…

  • Which programming language should I learn

    Very often a beginner asks this question – which programming language should I learn? There are many common languages. However, in 2023, we want to include some popular programming languages to our list.  Python: we use Python in data science, machine learning, and web development.  It has a large and active community and a wide…

  • Qu’est-ce que TensorFlow en termes simples ?

    Essayons de définir le TensorFlow de Google en une seule phrase. TensorFlow est un framework d’apprentissage automatique. Bien que l’apprentissage automatique (machine learning) soit une discipline complexe, nous en avons également discuté en termes simples. Pour les débutants, bien sûr. Certes, l’apprentissage automatique ou les algorithmes d’apprentissage automatique sont complexes et nécessitent des années d’études…

  • Flutter Business Logic: Happiness App – Final Step

    We have reached the final stage. So we will use the Flutter Business Logic and finish our Happiness Calculator App. While building the Flutter App, we have learned a few key concepts. Firstly, we have learned how to use enum. Secondly, we have learned ternary operator. Thirdly, we have grasped how to customize the Slider…

  • How to use ternary operator in Flutter

    In the previous section, we have seen how the ternary operator works. In this section we will learn how to use it in Flutter. Just like if-else control flow it works. The ternary operator reduces the code line firstly. And, secondly, it enhances the readability. Let us see, an example in Dart. Then we will…

  • Truth table in Dart and Flutter

    We will learn three very important concepts in Dart and Flutter. Firstly, what is truth table. Secondly, how to use truth table. And, finally, why we need truth table. First thing first. What is truth table? Any type of programming language has a close relationship with Discrete Mathematics. The truth table is a discrete mathematical…

  • What is null and void in Dart, Flutter

    Although in natural language the idiom “Null and Void” means practically nothing, yet in programming world of Dart and Flutter it means a lot.

  • Dart and Flutter, Imperative, or Declarative

    Flutter is an out and out declarative. However, Dart programming language uses both programming paradigms. Imperative and Declarative.

  • What are first-class functions

    We can store a function as a value in a variable, pass the value as parameter or return the value which points the function from a function.

  • Dynamic List in Dart and Flutter

    New languages come up to solve many problems. In Dart, we get two types of List. One is Fixed length. Another is growable or dynamic List.

  • What is void callback in flutter

    Since Dart has First-class functions and treat function like any other variable, we can pass it through a Widget. Yes, we want to pass the function as a variable.

  • Dart Math library in Flutter

    Dart Math library is extremely powerful and we can do any kind mathematical operations with the help of this library. In Flutter, it plays equally important role.

  • How does a function return a Type

    When a function returns a Widget, that means a lot for any Flutter App. It makes our code reusable, and adaptable.

  • Which database we use in Flutter

    SQLite database with future, await, and async create, retrieve, update, or delete data in Flutter.

  • Is Flutter single thread?

    Future in Flutter or Dart gives us a promise token and returns a value at in future.

  • Discrete Mathematical Algorithm and Data Structure

    The book combines two major components of Computer Science under one roof, I hope students of Computer Science may find some food for thought.